Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Media Example #5

Ironically I take an Interpersonal Communication class the hour before my Writing for Mass Media class.  Reading this article in between studying for our first test, the same exact material is written on my notecards.  So thank you, for helping me study during my minor study break.  It is true that 42% of marriages end in divorce, that statistic rises to near 70% for second marriages and rising from there.  I agree each of these steps are vital, however the rest of long-distant relationship qualities lie within ugly truths we try to overlook.  Take for example Kim and Kris- if you don't know who they are then keep your TV unplugged because you're doing a great job so far.  Infidelities and canadian hook-ups drove this Hollywood couple into a mountain.  A mountain of problems that ended a 72-day marriage celebrated with a $10 million dollar wedding.  Unless you feel like burning through 10 mil just short of 80 days, follow these 5 simple steps to a healthy and prosperous relationship...or just watch The Osbourne's.

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